Are Two Storey Homes Less Energy Efficient?

Are Two Storey Homes Less Energy Efficient?

For many home buyers, the choice between a single storey or two storey home comes down to personal preference. Some people prefer the single-level living of a one storey home while others like the added space and look that a two storey home may provide. 

But what about energy efficiency? Are two storey homes less energy efficient than their one storey counterparts? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of two storey homes to find out.

Are Two Storey Homes Less Energy Efficient?

Two Story Homes Require More Energy to Heat and Cool

One of the biggest drawbacks of two storey homes is that they may require more energy to heat and cool than single storey homes. This is because they are generally bigger and there is more air space in a two storey home, which means your air conditioning system has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the house. 

As a result, your energy bills may be higher with a two storey home than with a one storey home.

However the same could could be said for a large single storey house compared to a smaller one storey house. It is more just a matter of space.

And while smaller houses will generally be cheaper to cool compared to bigger homes, there is a lot more to consider.

Solar orientation is a huge consideration, as is construction materials, window placement, insulation, room placement, heating and cooling systems and so on.

So while space might be a large factor in determining heating and cooling costs in a two storey home, if you get the other aspects right, you will be pleasantly surprised on just how efficient a two storey home can be.

Add on top of this an effective solar panel and battery storage system and there is a chance you can reduce your electricity bills quite significantly. 

Further more it's important to consider that 2 storey homes might be worth more and you get a hight selling price should you decide to sell the home in the future.


Are Two Storey Homes Less Energy Efficient?

What About Other Benefits of Two Storey Homes?

Although this has nothing to do with energy efficiency, two storey homes offer more privacy and space than one storey homes. If you have young children, you can put their bedrooms upstairs so they're not waking you up early in the morning. 

And if you entertain often, you'll appreciate having the extra space that a two storey home can provide.

To find out more about the pros and cons of building a 2 storey home read this article here.


Are Two Storey Homes Less Energy Efficient?


So, are two storey homes less energy efficient than one storey homes? In some cases the answer is yes, but with smart planning and design there is no reason why you cannot achieve a very energy efficient home. 

Ultimately, the decision of whether to build a one or two storey home comes down to personal preference. But if you're looking for more space and privacy, then a two storey home might be right for you.