The Pros and Cons of Buying vs Building a 2 Storey House in Perth

The Pros and Cons of Buying vs Building a 2 Storey House in Perth

Are you debating whether to buy or build a 2 storey house in Perth, Western Australia? If so, you're not alone. This is a common conundrum for many home buyers, as there are pros and cons to both options. In this blog post, we'll weigh the pros and cons of each option so that you can make an informed decision about what's right for you.


The Pros of Buying a 2 Storey House in Perth

The Pros of Buying a 2 Storey House in Perth

There are several advantages to buying a 2 storey house in Perth as opposed to building one from scratch. 

First and foremost is time, you can move into your newly purchased home much sooner when you buy established than when you build. 

Secondly is risk. Now this is an interesting one, as there is actually risk on both sides. When you buy an existing home, there may be less risk involved than when you build because you can inspect the property before making a purchase. However as you will see in the next section, there is also risk in purchasing an established home that you do not have in a newly built home.

Another question people often ask "is a 2 storey home worth more than a single storey home?". Which leads to the question whether or not a 2 storey home is a good investment.

The Cons of Buying a 2 Storey House in Perth

The Cons of Buying a 2 Storey House in Perth

Of course, there are also some disadvantages to buying a 2 storey house in Perth as opposed to building one. 

Firstly, as we alluded to above, existing homes come with a history—good or bad—which means that you may inherit any existing problems that the previous owner didn't take care of and that were not picked up in any inspections.

New homes comes with warranties and guarantees that established homes (depending on their age) do not come with.

Another downside is that you may have to compromise on your desired location if you're limited to existing homes on the market. Now this actually applies to both categories, as you still need to find a block of land to build on or an old house that you deem could be demolished.

A huge one for buyers is the design of the home. This means living space, accommodation and room location and really how the house flows. It also includes how the house is zoned. It really is the number one reason people build new, because you often cannot find exactly what you are looking for in an established property.

Finally, and this is often a big one for buyers, existing homes may not have all the features and finishes that you would like, which means that you may need to do some renovation work after moving in. 

The Pros of Building a 2 Storey House in Perth

The Pros of Building a 2 Storey House in Perth

If you're leaning towards building a 2 storey house in Perth instead of buying one, there are several advantages that may sway your decision. 

When you build a new home, you get to choose the exact location that you want—meaning that you can be close to family and friends, near good schools, or in your ideal neighbourhood. This can apply to established properties too, assuming there is a home for sale in the area you wish to build, that also ticks all of your boxes in terms of the house itself.

Additionally, when you build a new home, all the features and finishes are up to you—so you can create your perfect home from scratch without having to worry about renovating down the road. 

Of course you also get to design the house exactly as you wish. You pick everything! You can spend time with the builder to ensure the layout of the floor plan works exactly the way you want it too and even add those extra ‘must-have’ rooms that are unique to you and your family.

Finally, with a new home comes peace of mind—you won't have to worry about any pre-existing problems because everything will be brand new. This of course also comes with the warranties and guarantees you would expect from a new home.

The Cons of Building a 2 Storey House in Perth WA

The Cons of Building a 2 Storey House in Perth WA

Of course, there are also some disadvantages associated with building a 2 storey house in Perth instead of buying one. 

One downside is that it generally takes longer to build a new home than it does to buy an existing one—so if time is of the essence then buying may be the better option. 

Also, building comes with a risk that the home is not exactly as you imagined. Of course any good builder like Novus will provide you with comprehensive drawings to help you picture exactly what is being built, but it is never quite the same as walking through the home itself. Building a home based on a display home is such a good thing to do when building a two storey home in Perth, as it lets you get a real feel for how the home walks and feels.

The Pros and Cons of Buying vs Building a 2 Storey House in Perth

In Summary

As with any major decision, there are pros and cons associated with both buying and building a 2 storey house in Perth. It's important to weigh up all the factors carefully before making a decision about what's right for you and your family. 

If time is your main concern then buying an existing home may be the best option for you. However if time isn't an issue and you want complete control over your home's layout, features and finishes then building from scratch may be better suited for your needs. 

Ultimately only YOU can decide what's best for YOU so make sure to do your research before making any major decisions!