The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design

Interior Design Guide: Intro

The concept of home has been central to human existence since time immemorial.

Yet, the art of shaping the spaces we inhabit—interior design—continues to evolve, always striking a balance between comfort, utility, and aesthetic pleasure.

As we dive into the world of interior design, you'll realise it's more than just a superficial layer of decoration.

It's a profound expression of individual style, a clever interplay of design principles, and a testament to the limitless creativity of the human mind.

In essence, interior design is a discipline that involves shaping the aesthetic and functional aspects of indoor spaces.

It's about maximising comfort, enhancing functionality, and elevating the visual appeal of the environment.

Whether you're building a new home, planning a major renovation, or simply hoping to refresh your living room, understanding the basics of interior design can prove immensely beneficial.

But is interior design the same as interior architecture? While there's significant overlap in these disciplines, they are distinct in focus.

Interior design is largely about the aesthetics and layout of a space, considering factors like colour schemes, furniture selection, and decorative elements.

On the other hand, interior architecture also involves understanding the structure and alterations to the building's interior, often necessitating a more technical knowledge base.

The Core Elements and Principles of Interior Design

Interior design is a symphony composed of various elements and principles, each playing its unique part in creating a harmonious living space. Let's unravel the essence of these components and understand how they come together to create 'interiors heaven'.

The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design

The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design - Space


The cornerstone of all interior design, space refers to the area you have to work with. It's not just about physical dimensions, but also how the space is perceived. Well-designed interiors often create a sense of spaciousness, regardless of the actual square metres.


The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design - Lines


Lines establish shape and form, guide the eye, and create harmony. They can be horizontal, vertical, or dynamic—each impacting the feel of a room differently. For example, horizontal lines might suggest stability, while dynamic lines add excitement.


The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design - Form


Form relates to the shape of objects within a space. It helps to create a sense of unity and can often elicit emotional responses. Both natural and man-made forms play pivotal roles in design.


The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design - Light


A crucial player in interior design, light can enhance colours, highlight design elements, and even influence mood. Understanding how to use both natural and artificial light is key to creating inviting interiors.

The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design - Colour


As an essential tool in the designer's palette, colour can dictate the mood, style, and perception of space. From calming blues to vibrant yellows, the colour scheme has a profound effect on the design's overall feel

The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design - Texture


Texture adds depth and interest, transforming a flat design into a tactile, engaging experience. This can come from fabrics, furniture, or even architectural elements like exposed brick walls

The 7 Core Elements of Interior Design - Pattern


Patterns breathe life into a design, breaking up the monotony and adding visual intrigue. Whether subtle or bold, patterns are essential in creating a visually dynamic space.

The 7 Principles of Design

Beyond the basic elements, the principles of design serve as guidelines to create an effective and pleasing interior.

They include:

  • Balance

  • Proportion

  • Rhythm

  • Emphasis

  • Contrast

  • Unity

  • Variety

Adhering to these principles can make the difference between a room that feels disjointed and one that exudes harmony and cohesion.

For example the simple mix of pattern (vertical lines) and texture (timber) on the wall in the courtyard of the Zenith adds a level of sophistication and elegance to the space, creating a visually interesting wall that embodies the principles of design and significantly improves the “feel” of the space.

Unveiling Different Styles in Interior Design

The beauty of interior design lies in its diversity. Each style tells a different story, captures a unique spirit, and caters to distinct aesthetic preferences. Here's a closer look at some of the most popular interior design styles:

Contemporary House Design

Contemporary House Design

This style reflects current trends, often featuring clean lines, open spaces, and a neutral colour palette with strategic pops of colour.

Mid-Century Modern Design

Drawing inspiration from the 1940s-1960s, this style combines natural materials with simple forms and minimal ornamentation for a retro-modern appeal.

Farmhouse Design

Farmhouse Design

This style exudes warmth and comfort, incorporating rustic elements, traditional designs, and a touch of modern simplicity

Hamptons Design

Hamptons Design

Inspired by the opulent seaside homes in the Hamptons, this style is known for its bright, airy interiors, coastal elements, and chic but comfortable furnishings

Traditional Design

Traditional Design

Characterised by classic details, sumptuous furnishings, and a wealth of accessories, the traditional design creates a timeless and comfortable ambience.

Industrial Design

This design ethos celebrates raw, edgy aesthetics, featuring elements like exposed brick, metal accents, and an open-plan layout.

Contemporary Minimalist

Contemporary Minimalist

Renowned for its simplicity, minimalism, and functionality, this style often incorporates natural materials, muted colours, and clean, modern lines.

As we explore further in this guide, we'll delve deeper into these styles, helping you identify the one that resonates with your aesthetic sensibilities.

Whether it's the pared-back elegance of Scandinavian interiors or the bold innovation of industrial spaces, remember, the best style for you is the one that feels like home.

Current Interior Design Trends

As we stride further into this new decade, the world of interior design continues to evolve and surprise us. Let's examine some of the most influential interior design trends of 2023 that are shaping the way we conceptualise our living spaces.

Nature-Inspired Designs

As people grow increasingly aware of their environmental footprint, there's a rising trend towards interiors that embrace natural elements. This includes biophilic designs that maximise natural light, use plant motifs, and incorporate materials like stone and wood.


As a counterpoint to the minimalist trend of the past decade, maximalism celebrates bold colours, varied patterns, and eclectic décor, all coming together to create spaces that are teeming with character and life.

Sustainable Materials

From reclaimed wood to recycled glass and metals, sustainable materials have found a prominent place in contemporary interiors, reflecting a global shift towards eco-conscious living.

Wellness Spaces

The wellness trend has extended into interiors, with designs that promote health and well-being. This can range from home gyms and meditation corners to dedicated home-office spaces that boost productivity and work-life balance.

Statement Pieces

Be it a unique piece of furniture, a bold piece of art, or a striking light fixture, statement pieces continue to be a focal point in the design, serving to anchor the space and add a personal touch.

Leveraging Technology in Interior Design

With technology permeating every aspect of our lives, interior design is no exception. One of the most exciting trends to watch in recent years is the increasing use of design apps. Let's delve into some of the best interior design apps of 2023:


This all-in-one app serves as an excellent source of design inspiration, showcasing millions of high-resolution photos of home interiors and exteriors. Plus, it offers features for sketching, product shopping, and even hiring professionals.


Used by architects and designers worldwide, SketchUp is a powerful tool that lets you create and view your designs in 3D, allowing for precise planning and visualisation.

Morpholio Board

This mood board app is perfect for collating ideas, experimenting with colour palettes, and visualising how various elements come together in a design.


This app helps you create detailed floor plans by simply taking pictures of your space, simplifying the space planning process immensely.

Artfully Walls

This app lets you virtually hang artwork on your walls, helping you find the perfect pieces for your space without any of the guesswork.

These apps illustrate just one facet of how technology is revolutionising the world of interior design, making the process more efficient, collaborative, and intuitive.

Starting Your Interior Design Journey

Starting your interior design journey can seem daunting, but with a clear understanding of the basics and a systematic approach, you'll be well on your way to creating a space that is uniquely yours.

The Basics of Interior Design: How to Begin

At the heart of the interior design is a simple mantra: Form follows function. Before considering aesthetic elements, think about how you use the space and what you need it to do for you.

Prioritise functionality and then layer aesthetics on top. Also, remember that interior design is a balance of art and science - you'll need to apply principles and elements of design while also considering the emotional aspect of how space makes you feel.

Identifying Your Personal Decorating Style

Before you dive into the specifics of your design, spend some time identifying your personal decorating style. Are you drawn to the simplicity of Scandinavian design or the rich textures and colours of Bohemian style?

Perhaps you prefer the clean lines of modern interiors or the rustic charm of a farmhouse design. There's no right or wrong answer—your personal style is a reflection of you. Experiment, explore, and don't be afraid to break the rules.

Creating Your Interior Design Plan

A good interior design plan will guide you through the process, keeping you on track and helping you avoid costly mistakes. Here's how to create one:

Establish Budget and Style

Determine how much you're willing to spend and clearly define your style. Remember to budget for everything, from construction and furniture to finishing touches like art and accessories.

Research and Inspiration

Collect photos, create mood boards, and gather design inspiration. Use the apps mentioned earlier to explore ideas and start envisioning your space.

Design and Layout

Think about the flow of your space and how each room interacts with the next. Consider how you'll move through the space, where the furniture will go, and how each room will function.

Choose a Colour Palette

Your colour palette will guide your design choices, so choose it carefully. Consider how different colours make you feel and how they'll work in your space. Consider factors like natural light, room size, and your personal preferences.

Layer in Texture

Texture adds depth and interest to a room. Think about how you can incorporate different textures through your choice of materials, finishes, and fabrics.


Accessories give a room its personality. They're the finishing touches that bring your design to life.

Review and Adjust

Finally, review your plan and make any necessary adjustments. Remember, a good design is flexible and evolves with time.

By considering these steps and drawing on the wealth of knowledge and tools available today, you're well on your way to creating an interior that resonates with your style and serves your needs.


A Closer Look at Top Interior Design Styles

While we've touched upon some of the most popular interior design styles earlier, let's delve into a few more nuanced styles to help you further refine your personal aesthetic.



Straddling the line between traditional and contemporary, transitional design merges the warmth of traditional design with the clean, simple lines of contemporary style.



A counterpoint to minimalism, maximalist design revels in abundance. Think bold colour palettes, varied patterns, eclectic furnishings, and a visually stimulating space full of interest and personality.



Free-spirited and eclectic, the Bohemian style is characterised by a mix of vibrant colours, rich patterns, varied textures, and a mishmash of decorative items that reflect your unique personality.

Memphis Group Style

Known for its quirky, playful approach, Memphis Group's design uses geometric shapes, bright colours, and unconventional materials to create interiors that are bold and unconventional.



The guiding principle of minimalist design is "less is more." Clean lines, uncluttered spaces, a monochromatic palette, and functional furnishings define this aesthetic.


Celebrating the raw, unfinished aesthetic, industrial design features elements like exposed brick, distressed wood, and metal accents. It's about proudly displaying the building materials that many try to conceal.

Shabby Chic

This romantic style features soft colours, vintage items, and a distressed, lived-in look. It’s all about creating a comfortable and cosy space.

Mid-Century Modern

Drawing inspiration from the 1950s and 60s, mid-century modern design is defined by its clean lines, organic shapes, and high functionality.

Modern Coastal

Modern Coastal

Inspired by the sea and sand, the modern coastal style creates a relaxed, comfortable, and cheerful space using a palette of neutrals and blues, plenty of natural light, and nautical decorative elements.




Emphasising rugged, natural beauty, the rustic design uses raw, earthy elements to create a warm, inviting space.



Rooted in European sensibilities, traditional design features classic details, elegant furnishings, and a rich, layered look

Hiring an Interior Designer: Picking the Perfect Partner

When the scope of your project exceeds your comfort level, or when you simply want to ensure a professionally curated look, it may be time to hire an interior designer. This section will guide you through the process, from the moment you decide you need a designer, to picking the perfect partner for your project.

Do Your Research

Research potential designers in your area. Look at their portfolios, read reviews, and get a sense of their design style and work ethos.

Think about Your Style and Budget

Before you meet with a designer, be clear on what your style is and what your budget is. This will help you communicate your needs effectively and ensure you find a designer who can work within your parameters.

Ask the Right Questions

During your initial consultation, ask about their design process, fees, estimated timeline, and how they handle budgeting and purchasing.

Establish a Budget

Discuss your budget openly with your designer. A good designer will be able to work with varying budgets and should be able to advise you on where to save and where to splurge to get the most value for your money.

DIY Interior Design: Making It Your Own

If hiring a professional isn't within your budget, or if you simply love the idea of crafting your own space, there's plenty you can do to create a well-designed interior on your own.

Establish Budget and Style

Just like working with a professional, establishing your budget and identifying your style is the starting point for any DIY design project.

Create a Design Plan

Map out your design plan, considering your space's function, flow, and the aesthetics you want to achieve.

Choose Your Colour Palette

Choose your colour scheme, thinking about how different colours can create different moods. Be sure to consider the amount of natural light your space receives.

Adhere to the 7 Principles of Design

As mentioned earlier, balance, rhythm, emphasis, proportion, scale, contrast, and harmony are crucial for a well-designed space.

Incorporate Texture

Mix textures to add interest and depth to your space. This can be achieved through fabrics, finishes, and materials.


Finally, add accessories to express your personal style and make the space uniquely yours.

Remember, the beauty of DIY is the freedom and personalisation it allows, so enjoy the process and make it your own!

Bringing It All Together: Your Ultimate Guide to Interior Design

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we've travelled a fascinating path that unravelled the intricacies of interior design.

We've explored the fundamental elements and principles that govern the world of interiors, deciphered a range of design styles, delved into hiring an interior designer, and even delved into the thrilling journey of do-it-yourself design.

Remember, the essence of interior design lies in creating spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, comfortable, and most importantly, a reflection of you.

As you apply these insights to your home design, remember to trust your instincts, enjoy the process, and celebrate your unique creative expression.

After all, a well-designed home isn't simply about impressing guests but creating a space where you can live, grow, and create memories.

Here's to transforming your house into a home, one design decision at a time

Building your new home with Novus Homes

If you know what you want and are ready to decide on who to build with, then please don't hesitate to send us a quick message or give us a call on (08) 9240 8001 to find out if we are a good fit for each other.

We've been building homes in Perth for more than 30 years and would love to be a part of your building journey. If we are not the best partner for your specific building ideas we will let you know and tell you who might be a better fit for your specific needs.

Either way, we look forward to speaking with you.